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Hi there! It’s Sunday afternoon, so that means it’s time for a recap! I hope that you’ve all enjoyed another summer weekend. Shall we start by backtracking to earlier in the week?

Monday and Tuesday were oppressively HOT, so we spent more time than usual indoors. This desperate mom even brought all three boys to the library,


where Spencer made a new friend. He thought she was quite cute and he even shared the dump truck with her.


Water beads are also a mom’s best friend when the weather is steamy. Casey and Spencer love these things!


On Wednesday morning we made a visit to the craft store in Charlottesville to get some art project supplies. Casey was inspired, so we did our best to execute his ideas! I’ll share one of the activities on here soon…


We also made a stop at Yoder’s Country Market to return our milk bottles and to pick up some groceries. And of course, to say hello to the animals.



Summer sunset…


The kids had fun with their buddy Liam on Thursday afternoon,


and I just had to share this cute picture that my brother sent me Thursday night. My niece Abby turned 1 this month so I mailed her some new clothes for her birthday. In typical girl fashion, she was rolling around on the floor in excitement over her new wardrobe. LOVE her!


Friday morning Spencer and Casey ate a quick snack on the front porch while they watched a tractor making hay across the street. Can you see it?!


Then I dragged the three boys to get their hair cut, which is never high on their list of fun things to do. Chocolate bribery works wonders, though…


Mid-afternoon I snapped this photo of my ducks in a row while they ate yet another snack on the front porch (this time, popcorn and yogurt). Don’t judge: their shirts were off because they had been playing in the water! 🙂


Saturday morning Spencer and I made our weekly run to the Farmer’s Market,


where we picked up some salad greens, corn, eggplant, steaks, whoopie pies, and warm, homemade donuts that the boys’ babysitters were selling. Those donuts were a HUGE hit (a boy after my own heart)!


We stopped at the grocery store for a few items and then headed home to pick up Keith and the older boys for a play date at the pool with Margeaux and Ian before lunch.



I got the night off from cooking since we went to the local Mexican restaurant for dinner.



While Gibbs won the prize for “most tortilla chips consumed before his meal arrived,” Spencer won the award for the cleanest plate. He loved that quesadilla and Spanish rice!


This morning we started the day with breakfast — a loaf of zucchini bread that Margeaux made and gave to us yesterday. We decided that it’s like eating cake for breakfast!

We also spent some time playing outside,


and working in the garden. We pulled in a lot of veggies, including this red bell pepper, which Gibbs had me slice immediately,


Casey’s first two ears of corn,


and our first watermelon (also sliced immediately).


We went for a walk before it got too hot,


and watched one of our neighbors hauling hay.


Our friends Justin and Kate were in Charlottesville for a wedding this weekend, so they stopped by for a visit on their way home to Northern Virginia. Keith picked up BBQ Exchange for lunch!


The rest of our Sunday is quiet, and we’ll be grilling dinner shortly. On the menu this evening: steaks (from the market yesterday), corn, eggplant, and rice. Have a great evening!


Hey, I’m Blair!

Welcome to my farmhouse kitchen in the foothills of Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains. Inspired by local traditions and seasonal fare, you’ll find plenty of easy, comforting recipes that bring your family together around the table. It’s down-home, country-style cooking!

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Square overhead shot of hands serving a chicken pot pie recipe with biscuits
Overhead image of a bowl of chili mac on a dinner table with cornbread
Hands serving a platter of sheet pan sausage and potatoes

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  1. Jeanette says:

    Lovely as always to have spent some of the weekend with you. I look forward to all your posts but the weekend post is my favorite.

    1. Blair says:

      Thanks so much, Jeanette! I’m glad that you enjoy the posts!

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