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Good morning, and happy Sunday! It’s the last day of January, and I’ll be honest…I’m not exactly sad to see it end. Definitely NOT one of my favorite months in Virginia. It’s also time to catch up on the week’s adventures via my iPhone, so let’s get to it! 

When I signed off from last week’s Weekend Recap, we were heading outside to dig ourselves out from the massive snowstorm. That’s exactly what we did!



We also entertained ourselves indoors with some Cosmic Kids yoga!



Molly did not want to be left out!


Monday was a snow day from school, so all 3 boys were home again. We ventured out and headed to Charlottesville after lunch to restock our kitchen. As soon as we got in the car, 2 out of the 3 crashed. Snow days are exhausting!


We made a run through the grocery store, as well as a stop at Costco.


A short afternoon walk for some fresh air…


and then I had to figure out how to get all of our groceries up to the house from our car, which was parked in front of our gate because our gravel drive was completely buried under 2 feet of snow.

My solution? Multiple trips with the Red Flyer wagon,


while these guys “helped.”


I’m SOOOOOO ready for Spring!

Tuesday was another snow day off from schools, so we stayed home in the morning and took it easy. I made a mess in the kitchen whipping up some new recipes, while the boys came in and out of the snow. Then I had multiple sinks full of dishes to wash…my least favorite part of cooking, by far!


After Spencer’s nap we went to a nearby restaurant to run around on the two-story indoor playground since it was raining outside. The boys were sweaty and exhausted by the time we left…mission accomplished! Meanwhile, I was texting with Casey’s preschool teacher — begging her to open the school on Wednesday! ?




On Wednesday morning Casey finally went back to preschool! Since Gibbs’s school was cancelled yet again, I dragged him to the mall with me and Spencer.


I had a coffee date scheduled with my two friends, Mary and Tanya, who I used to work with at my old job. We sat and chatted while the boys ran around the play area. Everyone was happy!


And while Mary entertained the boys on the carousel,


I ran into Gap to snag some new pants for the older two boys at a great sale price. Stocked up!


And look! On the way home I had to pause to snap a photo of the snow that was finally melting (thanks to a couple of days with temps in the mid-to-upper 40’s!)…

I see GREEN GRASS! And blue sky!


That afternoon I tried a new type of yogurt with my snack. I thought that the flavors sounded interesting, but it was just meh. The texture seemed thin (I much prefer Greek-style yogurt) and the flavor was subtle, at best.


That evening I also made a batch of THESE Banana Fudge Muffins (using up some overripe bananas!), and they turned out GREAT! I will note — I had to add some milk to thin the batter a bit, and I only got 10 muffins out of the recipe (rather than the 12 indicated). Total hit, though!


Wednesday was very low-key. Gibbs went back to school on a 2-hour delay, so my time at home with the other two was abbreviated. They played outside a little bit, built forts,


took naps, and did some artwork. Casey LOVES to color and draw, and he often wants me to take photos of his masterpieces. That particular afternoon he asked me to send a picture of his drawing to Uncle Kevin (which I did!), because it was Yoda surfing (notice the little green guy with a green lightsaber in the water?!)…and he knows that Uncle Kevin likes Star Wars.? Gotta give him credit for creativity!


Keith worked late that night, so the boys and I had some chicken, broccoli, and Parmesan pasta for supper and headed to bed early!

One Pot Chicken and Broccoli Pasta 1

On Friday morning, we dropped the older two boys off at their schools and Spence and I played hooky from our responsibilities (like grocery shopping and laundry!).


Can you tell that it’s snowy and cold outside? Our usual outdoor morning walks have been replaced by trips to the mall in Charlottesville! We met my mom there for some shopping, coffee + snacks, and run-around-time for Spence. He LOVES to jump and roll around the little play area…which is good, since we can’t spend much time in the fresh air these days.




Mom treated me to a new spring top and a lightweight vest, too. Warmer weather needs to HURRY UP!

And after all of the running around at the mall, this guy CRASHED on the way to get Casey. There went an afternoon nap…?


Dinner that night was an easy and cozy Brunswick Stew, served with grilled cheese sandwiches for dipping!

Quick and Easy Brunswick Stew 2

Yesterday morning I had every intention of going to the gym…until I got my car stuck in a deep snowdrift on our driveway! I hopped out of the car, left it where it was, and came back inside to go for a walk in my living room with Leslie! ? A couple of strong pushes from Keith later that morning got the car “un-stuck” without too much trouble.


Spence and I went grocery shopping before lunch, where he was sure to direct me to the “donut” section (or, bakery). Always. Boy after my own heart.


A couple of new purchases to report, too! The boys really liked this new flavor of yogurt (and the tubes are SO convenient for packing in lunch boxes!):


and this entire container of Skippy PB Bites literally disappeared the first day that I brought it home. Gone. Those kids demolished them!


I also picked up this new mascara to try, since a reader HIGHLY recommended it after seeing my post on My Favorite Drugstore Cosmetics (hi, Paula!). Can’t wait to try it! I looked for a few of the other products that you guys recommended too, but I couldn’t find them at Walmart. Maybe Target?! I’ll keep checking!


We had some Oven Roasted Barbecue Shrimp for dinner…SO good! Recipe will be in my e-book, which I’m plugging away at steadily. Can’t wait to share it with all of you!

Oven Roasted Barbecue Shrimp 1

And that’s about all I’ve got for you! Today we’re probably heading down to Charlottesville because Keith has a hankering for his favorite lunch spot (Hibachi Grill Buffet), and he wants to pick up some steaks at a “real grocery store” so that he can put them on the grill for dinner tonight. We’re trying to get out and enjoy some warmer, sunnier weather!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and check back here tomorrow for THE EASIEST macaroni and cheese recipe that you’ll ever come across. Promise!! You don’t want to miss it. ?


Hey, I’m Blair!

Welcome to my farmhouse kitchen in the foothills of Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains. Inspired by local traditions and seasonal fare, you’ll find plenty of easy, comforting recipes that bring your family together around the table. It’s down-home, country-style cooking!

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Square overhead shot of hands serving a chicken pot pie recipe with biscuits
Overhead image of a bowl of chili mac on a dinner table with cornbread
Hands serving a platter of sheet pan sausage and potatoes

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  1. Paula says:

    I really feel for you about the snow and getting stuck in a snowdrift in your own driveway. I am originally from Upstate New York and remember those days way to well. Now I live in Arkansas and have other weather issues that at times makes me wish I was back in NY in a blizzard. Like tomorrow is only the 2nd day of Feb. and we are expecting 71 degrees for a high. I know what you are thinking-I would love a 70 degree day!! But trust me at this time of year it is way to wrong & dangerous. We are already under Severe Storm watches and alerts for high winds heavy downpours and of course tornadoes!! So as I said snow sounds way better to me. LOL!
    Anyway I hope you love the mascara as much as I do! So please let me know your opinion.
    BTW I love reading your posts and just adore your kiddos-they are so cute!!

    1. Blair says:

      Yes, while a 70-degree day sounds lovely right about now, I can imagine that it’s just weird in February! I would miss the seasons if we moved away, I know. I just need to remember that when we’re buried under the snow!

      I will let you know about the mascara once I open it. Thanks again for the recommendation (and for reading the blog)!!