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Good morning, and happy Sunday! How’s everyone doing? Our week was pretty routine, which is always a good thing, in my opinion. Let’s catch up and see what we’ve been up to in today’s Weekend Recap!

Last Sunday was a gorgeous, warmer, sunny day. After lunch at the Hibachi Buffet in Charlottesville (<– boys’ request!), we stopped by Harris Teeter for some steak (Keith’s request) for dinner that night. I added some cereal, salad, and frozen veggies to my cart…and look at HIS cart:

{Charcoal, Steaks, Curly Fries, and Solo Cups — and THIS is why I do the bulk of the grocery shopping!}


We then headed out on a walk across the street, where Keith and Casey proceeded to collect pockets full of rocks (or as Casey calls them, “gems”)!



That night I settled in with one of my favorite magazines (courtesy of Keith’s mom — thank you!),


and texted this picture of Rizzo to my childhood BFF, Caryn, to make sure that she knew the LIVE version of Grease was on t.v. that night (of course she did! and she was recording it!):


We woke up to another sunny and warm morning on Monday, so I grabbed an iced cookie dough coffee during the school drop-off runs to celebrate,


and then spent the morning at home folding laundry, booking the airline reservations for our July 4th BEACH VACATION(!!!), and doing a 10-minute yoga video on YouTube with my assistant-in-diapers:


I also burned this candle, which I LOVE!!!


We made a quick stop in Trader Joe’s for a few odds-and-ends that afternoon,


and picked up some of these crispy peas, which the boys love:


this salad dressing (which I thought was good),


and these granola bars that Casey just HAD TO HAVE. To his credit, he finished the box within a few days, so they didn’t go to waste.


While the boys waited for me to make dinner that evening, they snacked on the rainbow!

{Bell pepper strips dipped in salsa + cucumbers}


But don’t be fooled…it’s not as though they only get veggies around here. I aim for balance, so you can be sure that both of the older boys polished off multiple bowls of Lucky Charms cereal for dessert that night after dinner!

On Tuesday morning we dropped Gibbs off at school, and then the younger two guys did some stamping while we waited for the sun to come out and warm things up.


Then we took a stroll across the street before lunch. We had to take advantage of some warmer temps!

Since it was Groundhog Day, we said “hi” to our shadows,


before working hard on our rock collection. This is SERIOUS business, folks!






Wednesday turned out to be a very gross, cold, and rainy day. We had plans to walk with Mollie in the morning while Casey was at school, but those good intentions were derailed by the crummy weather. Instead, I played “substitute teacher” at the preschool for the first part of the morning while one of Casey’s teachers was out.


Spence joined in the fun, too!


Then my littlest and I headed back home for an hour or so until it was time to go back and get Casey. We folded laundry and jumped out some of our wiggles on our matching trampolines!



After we put the boys to bed that night, I headed out for a late-night round of drinks with the girls at the Inn at Willow Grove.


Always fun, and never enough time for all of the chatting that we like to do!


And that later-than-usual bedtime made my 5:30 a.m. Thursday bootcamp class a BIG challenge the next day. Ooof. But hey! I was there…

and then I raced home for the usual morning routine with the kids. After dropping Gibbs at school, we made the trip into Charlottesville for our weekly Costco run. We stocked up on the essentials…milk, produce, pajamas (?)…you never know WHAT you’ll find at that store. Spence just had to have some new Darth Vader jammies…

{When I took this pic, Casey was actually in the cart — buried under all of our STUFF!? It probably goes without saying that we cause quite a scene just about everywhere we go (the good and the BAD. ?}


While we were shopping, Spence snacked on this new fruit/veggie pouch from Trader Joe’s. He can be kind of finicky about which puree pouches he likes, so I snapped a photo so that I would remember to tell you that THIS is a winner!


We made a stop at Subway on the way back to refuel our hungry bellies,


and once home the boys entertained themselves with books in Spencer’s crib while I put laundry away. These too are such buddies (most of the time)!


While Spence napped that afternoon, Casey did some jumping before we had to hurry off to get Gibbs at school.


And Gibbs’s big announcement when he jumped in the car at school was that he FINALLY lost another tooth…and that thing had been hanging around in his mouth for way too long. Phew!


The sun made an appearance again on Friday!!


Mollie and I rescheduled our walk and took advantage of the weather. Isn’t she a good sport? I asked her to take this pic and gave her a chance to VETO it if she didn’t want it on the blog. You know what she said? “Oh, it’s fine…whatever…that’s why people like to read your blog, right? To see that we’re just NORMAL moms going for an early walk…before getting ourselves together, posing for photos, or doing anything fancy…” {or something like that}. Whatcha see is what ya get…very bad selfies, awkward photo angles, and ALL! ? Thanks to Mollie for keepin’ it real!


After our walk, Spence and I made a grocery run before picking up Casey at lunchtime. I sooooo wish that every store had these vehicle-themed shopping carts…look how happy he is!


Keith rented the movie Everest for us to watch that night after we put the kids to bed. I was fascinated and very into it for the first half of the movie, but I couldn’t bring myself to watch the end…it’s the stuff nightmares are made of! I headed up to bed to read instead, and then quizzed Keith about the ending as soon as he joined me. He thought it was a great movie! ?


I made it to the gym early on Saturday morning, where I spent 30 minutes on the treadmill and then did some foam rolling for sore muscles…


And I was entertained the entire time by the other women who are at the gym with me at that time of day. They have been “stalking” (<– their words, not mine!) the Krispy Kreme donut delivery guy who brings donuts to the grocery store next door every morning. They know his schedule, and they were sure to tell me that if I wave, smile, and say hello, he’ll be sure to offer me some free donuts. These ladies have gone home with their own boxes of jelly-filled donuts after a workout at the gym, thanks to their new friend. ? And guess who I saw as I was leaving this morning…

{and for the record, “NO,” I did NOT go over to snag a free box of pastries!}


After breakfast and coffee in a pink mug (Valentine’s Day!!),


I spent the morning doing laundry, cooking, and taking some pictures of food. Meanwhile, Keith was outside splitting piles, and piles, and piles of firewood with his assistants (who also took plenty of snack and coloring breaks)!



After dinner that evening, we had some art time to decorate Gibbs’s Valentine’s mailbox that he has to take to school this week, and then it was a lazy evening on the couch.


Today’s agenda includes a morning walk with the kids, and a trip up to Culpeper to Target. We’re shopping for class Valentines and grabbing the supplies to make some chicken wings for the Super Bowl this evening. We briefly considered hosting a party here, but then realized that game time = bed time, so we’ll have a quiet Party of Five instead. Enjoy the week, and I’ll see you back here tomorrow with one of my mom’s cheesy potato side dishes!



Hey, I’m Blair!

Welcome to my farmhouse kitchen in the foothills of Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains. Inspired by local traditions and seasonal fare, you’ll find plenty of easy, comforting recipes that bring your family together around the table. It’s down-home, country-style cooking!

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Square overhead shot of hands serving a chicken pot pie recipe with biscuits
Overhead image of a bowl of chili mac on a dinner table with cornbread
Hands serving a platter of sheet pan sausage and potatoes

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  1. Jeanette says:

    I do not think I would remember it was Monday if not for your up-date. A beach vacation sounds lovely. I made your dump Mac & Cheese this week adding ham to it. It was wonderful, thank you.

    1. Blair says:

      Hah — I guess I get a bonus point for consistency, right?! So glad that you enjoyed the mac and cheese. I’ve been meaning to add ham to it as well — such a great idea, and it makes for a very easy meal!! Have a great week, Jeanette. 🙂

  2. Colleen says:

    Sounds like a great week was had by all

    1. Blair says:

      It was!! Thanks, Colleen! 🙂