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Happy Sunday, friends! We’ve had another busy week and I’m ready to share our adventures in pictures…shall we get right to it?

Monday morning was a snow day, so this was necessary!


We didn’t venture out on the slick roads that day, so we stayed busy with new stickers and Legos from Keith’s mom,



dump trucks,


and some snow play.


Dinner that night was cozy leftovers! We had Keith’s parents over for a visit last Sunday, so I made a big pot of Jen’s chili (recipe HERE) and some cornbread + honey to serve on the side. Chili is one of those dinners that tastes even better the next day, and we all loved this version!


On Tuesday we woke up to more sleet and freezing rain, so I had all 3 boys at home with me again. We entertained ourselves with some Cosmic Kids Yoga,



Toddler Savasana! ?


And then we were really desperate to get out of the house, so the boys sat and listened to some new books on tape from Keith’s mom, while I scraped ice off of the outside of my car. ?


Thank goodness for wool socks and tall rubber boots!


The boys played at an indoor playground before we headed home for lunch.


Later that afternoon, I did my Time-Saving Total Body Strength Workout while Spence napped. My resident 6-year-old photographer snapped my picture in plank position! ?


And it was Tuesday Taco Night in our house, but we switched it up with some Steak Tacos! I used Mom’s Easy Marinated Flank Steak and wrapped it in soft flour tortillas, topped with lettuce, cheese, and salsa. So simple, but delicious!

Mom's Marinated Flank Steak 2

And another highlight from the day? A letter in the mail from Aunt Bee! She’s the best pen pal and sends me something almost every week — newspaper clippings, old recipes, whatever…just so that I have some real mail to open! In return, I email or call her. So 2016, right?! ?


The sun finally came out on Wednesday and the temperature warmed up, so we took full advantage. We had been feeling very cooped up, so it was nice to get some fresh air!

After the morning school drop off rounds, Spence and I met my mom back at our house for a visit. She built train tracks with Spence while I did some quick work,


and then we made a stop at Yoder’s to see the animals and pick up a few groceries.

I spy spring-colored sprinkles!!


We took a quick walk in town before scooping Casey up at school,


and then ate lunch at…Subway (for a change!). My mom and I ordered something new this time, though! We tried the Tuna Chopped Salads and we were BIG fans. We both decided that they’re our new favorite!



Mom also brought the boys some Valentine’s bags, which included these Lego Ninjago Airjitzu Flyers. Big hit!


And since Keith worked late and wasn’t coming home for supper, the boys and I had “brinner” (or, breakfast-for-dinner) — pancakes and fruit! Afterwards we made some Easter-inspired Puppy Chow, which Gibbs has been nagging me to try ever since he made a batch at school a few weeks ago! The recipe for our spring version of this fun treat will be coming to the blog very soon!



Sugar high followed shortly after…


Thursday was definitely a quiet day at our house. Gibbs went to school, while the younger boys were dragged on a routine shopping trip to Costco.


We had lunch at home, unpacked all of our loot, and put Spence down for a nap. I jotted down a new menu for the coming week so that I could write a grocery shopping list,


and for dinner I served the new heart-shaped pasta that my mother-in-law gave us, along with these mini beef meatballs from the freezer (the boys LOVE them…I just wish that they were easier to find in stores), and some marinara sauce. Green beans on the side! The pasta was colored with beet juice to make it red, and I made a mental note that this is probably the ONLY way that I’ll get those boys to consume beets!?


Friday morning started just the way I like it — a walk with Mollie! I did wish that it was a bit warmer, though…


When we dropped Casey off at the preschool, Spence just marched right in like he was one of the students. As far as he’s concerned, I could just leave him there for the morning. Hah!


He always has to check on Blue Gill (the fish).


But alas…2-year-olds aren’t allowed there YET! Instead, he had to suffer through a walk and grocery shopping trip with Mom.


That evening, Hannah the babysitter arrived in time to feed the boys some pizza for dinner so that Keith and I could head out on a date night! First stop: dinner in Charlottesville on the downtown mall at Zo-Ca-Lo!


His and hers drinks…


and we stuck with vegetarian/seafood dishes since it’s Lent. Butternut Squash Soup and Adobo Caesar Salad,


plus Rockfish and risotto, as well as an arugula-beet-blue cheese salad and some asparagus.


Then we walked up the street to The Jefferson Theater for a sold-out concert. We loved the opening band from Richmond, Jackson Ward…and we were also really impressed with the headliners: Eli Young Band. Such a fun time, but we were surrounded by plenty of UVA frat guys, and we felt OLD…especially as we were nursing our late-night headaches and fatigue the next day. Hah! ?


You know who really had the excitement on Friday night, though?! Poor Hannah! After she put the kids to bed, she let Molly outside. And here’s the reality of living in the country with a terrier…Molly came back inside proudly sharing her catch with Hannah: an ALIVE and squirming mole. ?? Hannah was brave and after chasing Molly (and the mole) around the house for a few minutes, she finally managed to pick the thing up (!!!) and toss it back outside (still alive). Let’s just say that between the 3 kids, the dog, and the mole, she earned every penny that night! Sorry I don’t have any pictures to share from that episode, but I was SO glad to miss it!

I did manage to make it to the gym for a mediocre workout on Saturday morning, just a bit later than usual.


Then I spent some time changing bed sheets and photographing a couple of recipes while Keith and the boys tended to some yard work. Hooray for warmer weather!



I also got another letter from my favorite pen pal!


And since we were blessed with 60 degree temps, Keith grilled some pork chops for dinner while I made a kale salad. So fresh, and it almost felt like SPRING! For the salad, just cut a head of fresh kale off of the stems. Drizzle with olive oil and season with salt. Rub kale until tender, squeeze half a lemon over top, and sprinkle with plenty of Parmesan cheese. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve (or for a few days). Ta-da!


Enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a nice week ahead!


Hey, I’m Blair!

Welcome to my farmhouse kitchen in the foothills of Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains. Inspired by local traditions and seasonal fare, you’ll find plenty of easy, comforting recipes that bring your family together around the table. It’s down-home, country-style cooking!

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Square overhead shot of hands serving a chicken pot pie recipe with biscuits
Overhead image of a bowl of chili mac on a dinner table with cornbread
Hands serving a platter of sheet pan sausage and potatoes

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  1. Joanne says:

    Your Aunt Bee is such a sweet woman! It would be fun to get the kind of mail she sends to you!

    1. Blair says:

      I agree, Joanne! Everyone should have an Aunt Bee! She’s an amazing lady. 🙂