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Good morning, and happy Sunday! This past week was full of parties and vacation travel, which meant time off from the kitchen for me. As a result, this recap is a lot different than most — instead of a week’s worth of homemade meals and recipes, you’ll find a summary of our travels and the foods that we enjoyed on the go. All of the highlights from the past few days, along with each of our dinners, are included in today’s roundup of Our Week in Meals.

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For those of you who are new to the blog, Our Week in Meals is where I share a little bit about what we’ve been up to over the past week — as it relates to our dinners each night. This series gives you a glimpse “behind the scenes” at some highlights from our life, shows you how I balance a busy schedule with feeding my family, and offers a few new ideas for your own weekly meal plan. Now, let’s back up to last weekend…

Sunday was Father’s Day, so we celebrated Keith with fajitas and tacos for lunch at a Mexican restaurant in Ruckersville.

Our neighbors hosted a party at their farm that evening to celebrate the summer solstice.

They served lavender lemonade, and offered live music, a bonfire and lanterns by the lake.

Plus food! I was asked to bring an appetizer, so I made baked Italian pinwheels from a a recipe that my mom’s friend shared with us. The pastry is filled with prosciutto, cheese, Dijon mustard and Italian seasoning. I’ll share the full details on the blog soon, because these are so good (and so easy).

Close up side shot of a plate of baked Italian Pinwheels with a bowl of nuts in the background

I spent much of the evening following Spencer around the farm,

checking out the lavender fields,

and finding new paths through the woods, before ultimately walking home to put everyone to bed.

Such a beautiful start to summer!

With the heat index over 100° F on Monday, the pool was the place to be!

We packed up a picnic lunch and spent a good part of the afternoon in the cool water at Graves Mountain Lodge.

And dinner that evening was once again enjoyed at a party! This time it was the end-of-season picnic for the older boys’ soccer team, so we feasted on pizza and plenty of sweet treats with the kids and their friends. I always appreciate a night off from dishwashing, too!😊

We hit the road early on Tuesday morning to head south to Lake Lure, North Carolina for vacation.

Nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina about 25 miles southeast of Asheville and not far from the South Carolina border, this beautiful little lake town is a perfect spot for family fun.

We stayed at the historic 1927 Lake Lure Inn and Spa, and arrived just in time for an afternoon swim. Fun fact: this hotel served as one of the filming locations for the movie Dirty Dancing (including many of the famous dance, restaurant, and lake scenes)!

Next up: dinner at the Lake House Bar & Grill. We arrived early, which was a good idea because this waterfront restaurant is quite popular and it filled up very fast. I ordered the locally-caught blackened fish sandwich with a Caesar salad, and while it wasn’t fancy, it hit the spot at the end of a long day.

We drove about 5 minutes up the road to Chimney Rock on Wednesday morning, where we saw some amazing views in the state park. This was definitely one of the highlights from our trip!

We shopped in the village of Chimney Rock, mined for gems…

…and played mini golf.

And took a dip in the pool at the hotel later that afternoon!

Finally, our day ended with dinner and drinks at the Hickory Nut Brewery, where we had the most beautiful riverfront table…

…and shared plates of soft pretzels, bbq pulled pork quesadillas, chips and salsa, and a cheese plate. Vacation mode!

Thursday was our last full day in North Carolina.

We spent a cool, cloudy morning in nearby Hendersonville, where we hit all of the highlights: a train museum, a toy store, a deli for lunch, and a delicious bakery for cookies and cake.

Then back to the lake when the sun came out!

We were tired of sitting in restaurants at that point, so we ordered takeout from an Italian restaurant for dinner and enjoyed pizza, pasta and salad on a picnic table near the water.

Friday was a day of travel. We left the hotel early, stopped at my parents’ house on the way home to pick up the dog, and spent most of the afternoon unpacking. We had a great trip, but we’re always so happy to be home.

I read a great summer book while we were on the road! The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave is such a perfect “beach read” for the season. It’s a page-turner that I would call a thriller/suspense/mystery…but not scary at all. Just fun, light, and fast! I really enjoyed this one…

After our time away, I was very glad to be back in my own kitchen for a home-cooked meal (minus the dishes). We had Taco Pie for dinner, along with chips, salsa, corn and refried beans. Easy and tasty!

Front shot of taco pie served in a small blue dish with a cornbread crust

Saturday was devoted to home chores and getting back into our “normal” routine. We did so many loads of laundry, picked up orders from both the farmer’s market and the grocery store, and even got some work done.

A bouquet of flowers next to the kitchen sink makes me happy all week long.

Keith took the older two boys and a friend to the movies in Charlottesville that evening, so Spence and I were on our own for supper.

I sat on the front porch while he played in the yard, and then we came inside for the world’s easiest meal: a tuna melt for me (taking advantage of a small ripe tomato from the garden), and a bowl of cereal, vegetables and chips for the 7-year-old. 😂 I let him choose his own menu for our “dinner date” and that’s what he requested…

The best tuna melt sandwich on a plate with a side of chips and pickles

So there you have it — a rather odd week of easy, travel-inspired summer meals! Thank you for joining me here today, as always. I hope that you have a wonderful Sunday and a great week ahead.🌞


Hey, I’m Blair!

Welcome to my farmhouse kitchen in the foothills of Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains. Inspired by local traditions and seasonal fare, you’ll find plenty of easy, comforting recipes that bring your family together around the table. It’s down-home, country-style cooking!

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Square overhead shot of hands serving a chicken pot pie recipe with biscuits
Overhead image of a bowl of chili mac on a dinner table with cornbread
Hands serving a platter of sheet pan sausage and potatoes

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  1. Jaymee says:

    Sounds like a wonderful family week! That book sounds fantastic, I will have to grab for my upcoming vacation

    1. Blair says:

      Thanks, Jaymee! Yes — I definitely recommend the book for your next vacation! 🙂

  2. Renee says:

    What a terrific week! And such great photos. I was in Hendersonville ages ago. A couple of friends from the U.K. worked at a summer camp there. There’s a place called Slippery Rock there, that I remember has a huge rock you slide down in to the lake. So much fun.

    1. Blair says:

      Oh, that sounds like fun, Renee! We’ll have to find that rock on our next visit! We really enjoyed Hendersonville. 🙂

  3. Pat says:

    What a great time for all. I get to see the Carolines. Love to see what I can make that you make. I usually get a few recipes. Thank you , wait for you every Sunday. I.m alone so find it fun to see what you do with your Boys and Husband, mine past away about a year ago so am Blessed to see your Family enjoying what you do for them. Thank you. Blessings.

    1. Blair says:

      Thank you so much, Pat! It makes me happy to know that I’m sharing some of our fun with you. 🙂

  4. Lisa says:

    Sounds like a great trip! We will have to check out Lake Lure, as we love lake vacation spots!

    1. Blair says:

      Definitely! Highly recommend it! 🙂

  5. Connie L. Spanjer says:

    Love your comments and pictures. We visited North Carolina a few years ago. It’s probable my favorite place on earth. We stayed at an Inn very close to Ashville. I love your recipes, and have tried many with great results.
    Thanks so much.
    Connie from Denver

    1. Blair says:

      Asheville is one of my favorite cities, Connie. Such a great spot!

  6. Linda Dodds says:

    You always take such beautiful pictures! I wanted to ask where you bought your pretty top.

  7. Sandra W. says:

    So nice to read that the whole family had a few days off for a vacation, even if it wasn’t all week long! Being married to my late husband, who was a farm boy, I know what it’s like to have to take care of a farm. For those of you that have lived in a city since you were born, farming is truly a lot of work, especially when you have to do most of the labor yourself.
    Wish my hubby had wanted to vacation a bit more, even 2-4 days or so; a different atmosphere & being pampered (no meal prep or dishes to do) is the ultimate!
    I have noticed that rustic green table with all of those cheery bouquets in the mason jar. Do you have a flower garden as well?
    By the way….HOME is best!

    1. Blair says:

      Hi, Sandra! Thank you so much for your kind words. We live in farm country, but my husband is not actually a farmer by trade, so fortunately we don’t have that intense labor that makes it hard to get away. Although his office job also makes it hard to get away! 🙂 I do not have a flower garden…but hope to at some point down the road. Right now I get my flowers from the farmer’s market or from kind neighbors who give them to me. My little garden is just herb and veggie focused for the time being. And I agree…home is definitely the best!

      1. Donna DiBiase says:

        Sounds like you and your family had a well deserved, fun holiday. As always, thank you for the book recommendation. I’ll see if my library has it. All the best.

        1. Blair says:

          Thank you, Donna! I hope that you can get your hands on the book…it’s a fun one!

  8. Barbara says:

    Truly appreciate your book recommendations and of course the recipes. I have to admit though that your pictures are definitely a big, big plus. They are always fabulous and make me want to travel.

    1. Blair says:

      Thank you so much, Barbara!❤