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Do you know a picky eater?! Finding wholesome foods that your children will actually EAT can be quite the challenge! This Clean Kids Meal Plan is full of over a week’s worth of healthy breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snack ideas that the whole family will love!

Bowl of easy and healthy marinara soup

Hey, friends! If you have kids, then I’m sure that you understand the challenge that many parents face: coming up with a variety of easy, nutritious, and tasty meals that will make everyone at the table happy.

In order to make meal planning and grocery shopping easier, I have come up with this awesome list of kid-approved meals that the grown-ups in your house will also enjoy!

Most importantly the options on this Clean Kids Meal Plan are:

  • made with wholesome, REAL food ingredients (minimal processed or refined foods)
  • quick and easy to prepare (because WHO has time to spend hours in the kitchen when you have a busy family to care for?!)
  • often freezer-friendly (such as the breakfast muffins and cookies), and often can be prepped in advance so that you’re not fumbling around at the end of a long day trying to frantically put food on the table

I hope that you find this resource as useful as I have!

NOTE: In our house I always serve milk to drink with breakfast, lunch, and dinner, so you can assume that is included in each option as well! It’s a guaranteed way to make sure that my kids are consuming enough protein and calcium, among other nutrients.

This Clean Kids Meal Plan is full of over a week's worth of healthy, clean eating breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snack ideas that the whole family will love!

Clean Kids Meal Plan: Breakfasts

  • Whole grain toast or pita bread + peanut butter (or other nut/seed butter of choice); sliced fruit; glass of milk
  • Plain yogurt + honey/maple syrup to sweeten (as necessary); topped with homemade granola + fresh berries
  • Eggs (scrambled, hardboiled, fried in a little bit of butter) + mini whole wheat bagel + butter or cheese melted on top; fruit on the side
  • Oatmeal with peanut butter and honey stirred in (optional) + berries on top
  • Almond butter for dipping with apple slices; cheese cubes (or an organic cheese stick) on the side

This Clean Kids Meal Plan is full of over a week's worth of healthy, clean eating breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snack ideas that the whole family will love!

Clean Kids Meal Plan: Lunches

  • Chicken Taco Wraps: In a whole wheat tortilla, roll up sliced chicken, shredded cheddar cheese, and taco sauce; serve with fruit
  • Whole Wheat PB&J: spread whole wheat bread with peanut butter and all-fruit jam, sliced banana, or mashed berries; serve with yogurt or cottage cheese on the side
  • Grilled Cheese Squares: place slices of organic cheese in between whole grain bread that has been spread with butter or coconut oil; toast in a skillet until melted and golden brown; serve with fruit and a bowl of Quick and Easy Marinara Soup (<– this is also a great dinner option!)
  • Hummus + Whole Wheat Pita for dipping; fruit and veggies on the side
  • Pita Bread Pizzas (whole wheat pita bread topped with tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese); fruit on the side

Healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner ideas that kids love!

Clean Kids Meal Plan: Dinners

  • Hawaiian Chicken Wraps: grilled/roasted/boiled chicken wrapped in whole wheat tortillas with cheese, pineapple chunks, salsa or organic BBQ sauce, and cooked bell peppers; served with Alexia’s Organic French Fries (found in the freezer section)

Homemade graham crackers are an easy and healthy snack idea for kids!

Clean Kids Meal Plan: Snacks and Sweet Treats

  • 100% Whole Wheat Crackers + Peanut Butter (or other nut/seed butter of choice)
  • Unsweetened applesauce + Cheese
  • Ants on a Log

There you go! I hope that you find some new ideas and some new {healthy} family favorites for your kids meal plan!


Hey, I’m Blair!

Welcome to my farmhouse kitchen in the foothills of Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains. Inspired by local traditions and seasonal fare, you’ll find plenty of easy, comforting recipes that bring your family together around the table. It’s down-home, country-style cooking!

Read More

Square overhead shot of hands serving a chicken pot pie recipe with biscuits
Overhead image of a bowl of chili mac on a dinner table with cornbread
Hands serving a platter of sheet pan sausage and potatoes

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  1. Gayle @ Pumpkin 'N Spice says:

    I don’t have any kids, but I do love this meal plan! You included such great options. I think I might have to try those banana blender muffins. Sounds so good!

    1. Blair says:

      Don’t they look delish, Gayle?! I think this meal plan is great for picky husbands, too! 🙂

      1. Tori says:

        I actually found your site trying to find easy clean ideas FOR my husband ????

        1. Blair says:

          Hah, that’s okay — my husband often eats like my children, too! 🙂

  2. lindsay Cotter says:

    such a great round up! real food FUEL Is where it’s at and this will help so many families stay healthy!

    1. Blair says:

      Thanks, Lindsay! Did you notice that I included your bites recipes?! 🙂

  3. Kristine | Kristine's Kitchen says:

    Yum! I think I like this meal plan just as much as my kids would! Thanks for all of the meal and snack inspiration! I’m definitely saving this list for later. 🙂

    1. Blair says:

      Thanks, Kristine! Me too! 🙂

  4. V says:

    Clearly, this plan isn’t for a truly picky eater. I’ve made leaps and bounds with my picky eater. We are now eating baked chicken fingers, turkey meat loaf, and pork loin. Also, sweet potatoes, corn, and carrots have made the veggie approved list. Previously, she hated meat and veggies. Baby steps. I do LOVE this site though. Ve

    1. Blair says:

      Hi, V! I think that every “picky eater” is different, and has different foods that are “safe” or “not safe.” You’re right — this isn’t a strictly mac-and-cheese or chicken nuggets meal plan, but I think that you’d be surprised what a “picky” eater is willing to consume. There was a stage when my oldest son was about 2 years old and would only touch a handful of foods (mac and cheese and chicken nuggets being a few of them)…BUT, since I perpetually gave him the same foods that we were eating, I soon learned that one of his favorite dishes — even during his picky stage — was pasta with pesto sauce. That’s not necessarily a typical picky-eater meal, but it was one that appealed to his tastebuds. Just keep working with your daughter and I’m sure that you will continue to find new options that expand her palate. Be patient, even though it’s tough! Since you’re making an effort, I have no doubt that she’ll just continue to enjoy more variety! 🙂

  5. Robyn @ Simply Fresh Dinners says:

    I LOVE that you are specifying kids in this plan, Blair. The national epidemic of obesity is a nightmare and if we don’t start educating our kids at a very young age, it’s just going to get worse.
    Can’t wait to share this on Tuesday Tidbits. Such a wonderful post!

    1. Blair says:

      Totally agree, Robyn! It’s a huge problem, and it’s one that can be addressed if we help our children learn to eat a variety of foods at a young age! Thanks so much for including this post in your Tuesday round-up! xoxo

  6. Laura. Drennan says:

    Yum this meal plan is so inspiring and I’m so glad you have come up with it all and I hope you make more!!!????

    1. Blair says:

      Thanks, Laura! I’m glad that you find it helpful!