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Happy Sunday, friends! I hope that you’re enjoying the weekend! We had another busy week full of apple picking, baking, sports, and pies. Not too shabby, right?

If you’re ready for some catch-up in today’s Weekend Recap, let’s back up to where we left off. Last Sunday I woke up with a very stiff lower back (I think I twisted it funny when moving Spencer’s tractor out of the shed on Saturday?), so after breakfast I did the Day 7 workout from the Fit for Fall 30-Day Challenge. It was THIS 10-minute yoga sequence, and the Rag Doll and Cat/Cow poses felt great on my achey body!


I needed to make a run to Costco that morning, so the rest of the family decided to tag along.


Before the store opened at 10, we stopped at UVA to wander around the campus, let the boys hunt for Pokemon(!!), and grab some donuts and coffee. Such a beautiful (cooler) fall morning!


I also picked up flowers and pumpkins while we were in town to make our porch look more festive for the season. Casey helped!


I did some blog work that afternoon, packed the boys’ school lunches for the week, and put away a TON of laundry. The piles never end!

Keith grilled hamburgers for dinner, which we served with Alexia french fries and a salad. Weekend cook-outs aren’t over yet, and that was a particularly nice evening to be cooking outdoors.

Gibbs devoured this meal!


Monday morning was busy, as usual! I joined Maggie at the gym for a training session with Mark, took the older boys to school, and then headed straight into Charlottesville with Spencer for his first Parks and Rec class. This fall we coordinated a Monday morning class with Kristin and Jonathan so that Spence and I could both get some social time with our buddies on a weekly basis. Worked like a charm!

This particular class is a combination of art and tumbling. The art session was first, and there were a variety of stations set up for the kids. But as soon as Spencer spotted the kinetic sand trays (and construction vehicles), he had no interest in investigating any of the other options!


He absolutely LOVED this class!


Fortunately, Jonathan was happy to play with the sand and trucks too…which meant that Kristin and I could catch up as well!


Thirty minutes later, the kids moved into the tumbling room to play on the gymnastics equipment.



It was such a fun way to spend the morning, and Spencer walked out of there and said, “that was really fun.” Mission accomplished!

Later that afternoon I was preparing dinner while Spence was having some animal crackers for snack before we had to leave to pick up the older boys from school. When he saw me cooking, he wanted to help — as usual. Fortunately, our dinner recipe was so easy that the two year old could make it!

Whisking the sauce…


We had one of the most popular recipes on my site — “No Work” Baked Chicken — which is always a hit. I served it with rice and broccoli.

Baked Chicken 4

I did an early bootcamp class at the gym on Tuesday morning before making the school drop-off runs. After I left Spencer at the preschool (in tears), I went on a walk with Mollie and Amanda before heading back home.


On the way home I got stuck behind not one, not two, but THREE different tractors…so I had to snap this photo to show Spencer later. This kind of thing makes his day!


I had a Board meeting at the preschool at noon, so Spence ate lunch and played while we tended to business.


I was so glad that I had planned a slow cooker dinner for that evening, since I was hardly at the house all day. We left my meeting shortly before it was time to pick up my older boys from school. Then it was a race to get homework done and make it to the soccer fields for practice. Dinner was an easy freezer meal from THIS prep session: Slow Cooker Pork with Spiced Apples. This time I served the apples on the side and just used the sliced pork to make Cuban Sandwiches (one of Keith’s favorites) — pork, ham, Swiss cheese, dill pickles, and yellow mustard on hoagie rolls. It was a good way to change up the meal and make it seem different!

Healthy Slow Cooker Freezer Meals 4

I hopped on the elliptical for 30 minutes at the gym on Wednesday morning before coming back home to get everyone out the door for school. Then Spence and I headed off for our weekly grocery run…speaking of weekly shopping trips, did you see my post last week on Meal Planning? Some of you have requested more details about how I plan our dinners, so it’s all included in HERE. Hope that helps!

And you know what helps get through a long shopping trip with an impatient two-year-old? Cookies! I have no shame…


We spent the rest of the day at home. Spence was tuckered out from a later-than-usual evening on Tuesday, so he napped on the couch that afternoon while I prepped another round of freezer meals. Recipes coming soon! These are All Day Slow Cooker Meals for those of you who work out of the house during the day and need a meal with a longer cooking time. Can’t wait to share!


Keith was at a baseball game that evening so he didn’t come home for dinner. I had some leftover pork from the night before on top of a salad with avocado, blue cheese, tomatoes, and vinaigrette. The kids got one of their favorites — chicken nuggets! I served them with pretzels and carrots…for 3 very happy little boys.


Thursday was a busy (but routine) day, and by the end of it I realized that I hadn’t taken many photos at all. That’s unusual! ? In addition to taking Spencer to school, walking with my friends in the morning, participating in a conference call, and taking the boys to Casey’s soccer practice, there was one highlight that made it on camera: a delivery of fresh ginger cookies from Aunt Bee! She sent this carton from North Carolina and it took my boys all of about 0.3 seconds to dive in and devour them! Just in time for fall!


Dinner was an easy one since we were out at the fields pretty late: Slow Cooker Chicken Enchilada Chili (I’ll share the recipe soon). I served it with cornbread that I had in the freezer and it was perfect!


I may not have taken many pictures on Thursday, but I certainly made up for it on Friday!

I started the day early with a workout from the Fit for Fall Challenge — this Intense At-Home Circuit Workout.


Then it was time for some fun! I chaperoned Casey’s class field trip to Carter Mountain Apple Orchard, so I spent the day with 18 of my favorite kindergarteners.

On the school bus!


Casey and I snuck snacks on the bus because we were already hungry again by 9:30 a.m.

My boys love these little Larabars for their lunch boxes (and they’re great in my purse, too)! Only 3 ingredients in this bar: dates, peanuts, and sea salt!


We spent the day picking Golden Delicious apples,


taking a hayride,


and snacking on Apple Cider Donuts and apple cider. Big hit with the 5-year-olds (and the adults, too)!


We had a picnic lunch with a beautiful view — even though the weather was cloudy — and we even watched a couple get engaged nearby!



Somebody was exhausted and crashed HARD on the bus ride home…


Meanwhile, my mom came to spend the day with Spencer. She spoiled him with a trip to Graves Farm,


and a Happy Meal for lunch!


We picked up our usual Friday night pizza for dinner, I made a salad, and we put the kids to bed early!

Saturday morning was spent on the soccer fields, where Casey scored a lot of goals and left very happy!


We came home for lunch and then Casey and I baked an apple pie with the apples that he picked at the orchard on Friday. It was his one request!


We used my mom’s recipe for “Perfect Apple Pie,” which I believe is largely based on a recipe that she found on a box of piecrust many years ago. Either way, it’s the pie that we grew up with and everyone loves it!


This is the recipe book that Mom gave me when I moved into my first apartment about 15 years ago. It’s still a favorite kitchen companion!


Here’s the printable version of Mom’s Apple Pie recipe in case you want to try it this fall, too. Thanks to refrigerated pie crust, it couldn’t be easier!

Mom's Perfect Apple Pie

Prep: 15 minutes
Cook: 45 minutes
Total: 1 hour
Servings 6 -8


  • 1 package Pillsbury Refrigerated Pie Crusts



  • Heat oven to 425 degrees F.
  • In a large bowl, combine all filling ingredients.
  • Place bottom crust in a 9-inch pie pan and fill with apple mixture.
  • Top with additional crust.
  • Cut slits in top crust.
  • Bake for 45 minutes or until apples are tender and crust is golden brown.
Author: The Seasoned Mom

Keith and the older boys made a trip up to Culpeper that afternoon to get some fish at the seafood market for dinner. He was worried that he bought too much, but every bite of this grilled salmon was devoured!


We served the fish with a salad and some Italian bread. Apple pie for dessert, of course!

And that brings us to this morning. Our Sunday looks pretty quiet, other than a possible play date for Casey. Hope your week is a good one!


Hey, I’m Blair!

Welcome to my farmhouse kitchen in the foothills of Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains. Inspired by local traditions and seasonal fare, you’ll find plenty of easy, comforting recipes that bring your family together around the table. It’s down-home, country-style cooking!

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Square overhead shot of hands serving a chicken pot pie recipe with biscuits
Overhead image of a bowl of chili mac on a dinner table with cornbread
Hands serving a platter of sheet pan sausage and potatoes

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  1. Debra says:

    What does your husband put on his grilled salmon, like what spices? It looks great and my 11 year old is finally eating salmon so I am looking for recipes. Also, I just want to say I love your posts especially the weekend one.

    1. Blair says:

      Hey, Debra! My boys LOVE salmon this way (in fact, it’s one of their absolute favorite dinners) and it couldn’t be easier! Keith rubs the fish with some olive oil first, and then uses a seasoning blend that we make ourselves and just keep on the counter. It’s a combination of equal parts salt, garlic powder, dried basil, dried minced onion, and dried parsley. Hope that helps! 🙂