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Good morning, and happy Sunday! What a week we’ve had! From snow days to (very) sick days, I’m sharing all of the highlights (and low lights) — along with our easy dinners — in today’s roundup of Our Week in Meals!

For those of you who are new to the blog, Our Week in Meals is where I share a little bit about what we’ve been up to over the past week — as it relates to our dinners each night. This series gives you a glimpse “behind the scenes” at some highlights from our life, shows you how I balance a busy schedule with feeding my family, and offers a few new ideas for your own weekly meal plan. Now let’s back up to last weekend…

We woke up on Sunday morning to a countryside that was covered in a blanket of snow.

We had a quiet morning inside, I made a batch of Lentil Soup in my Instant Pot (which made the house smell cozy), and when the dog and I got stir-crazy before lunch, we headed out in the cold for a short walk.

PS — you can also make that soup in a slow cooker or on the stovetop!

Overhead shot of Lentil Soup recipe in a pressure cooker

I’m happy to report that I’ve finally found a pair of waterproof snow boots that actually keep my feet warm and dry! If you’re in the market for a new pair, I highly recommend these Sorel “Joan of Arctic” tall boots!

Keith dug out our vehicles so that we could take him to the airport in Charlottesville for a business trip; however, about an hour later he called back to say that his flight wouldn’t be leaving (due to the weather), so we drove back to Charlottesville to pick him up. We had Dad home for an extra night!

We stayed close to the fire, watched football, and I finished my latest book: Bear Town. This was an incredibly well-written novel, but it was definitely intense. A far cry from my last read (Crazy Rich Asians), but I got sucked into the book and wanted to see how it would end.

For dinner I served “Fish n’ Chips,” which included Southern Fried Catfish, frozen Alexia French fries, and coleslaw that I made with a kit. Easy and delicious!

Monday was a snow day!

We left the house bright and early to get Keith to the airport in Charlottesville, so after an hour in the car I treated the kids to Dunkin Donuts mid-morning.

Gibbs let me have some of his “Caramel and Chocoholic” donut, which basically tasted like an amazing dessert! Casey always goes for the jelly-filled donut, while Spence sticks to chocolate frosted with sprinkles.

As soon as we got back to the house, I dressed the kids in their snow gear and took them sledding on a great big (icy) hill near the school.

They had so much fun…until Casey was crying because his feet were too cold.????

We spent the rest of our afternoon at our friends’ farm, where the kids played and the moms chatted. Perfect way to pass a cold, snowy afternoon.

I made a cozy Dump-and-Bake Chicken Noodle Casserole for supper, which is basically like the classic soup baked in a dish (with more pasta, which makes my kids happy)!

Tuesday was another snow day off from school for the kids, but it wasn’t a very fun one around here.

Poor Casey woke up with a high fever and a cough that morning, so I dragged everyone to the doctor to have him checked out. Turns out he tested positive for the flu!

It came on so fast, and the poor child felt SO awful!

What else do we do when we’re stuck indoors with a counter full of overripe bananas? Make a loaf of my favorite One Bowl Whole Wheat Banana Bread! I was raised on my mom’s banana bread, so this is total comfort food in our house…

Shout out to my friend Mollie, who was kind enough to drive 30 minutes into town to pick up a Tamiflu prescription for us when Casey was too sick to get out of bed.????

Dinner that night was another great winter meal: the Lentil Soup that I had prepared on Sunday,

Bowl of Instant Pot lentil soup on a copper serving tray

along with Roast Beef and Cheese Crescent Rolls. So tasty and satisfying!

Front shot of plate full of baked roast beef and cheese crescent rolls

I don’t have much to report from Wednesday — the snow started to melt and Gibbs and Spencer returned to school. My day was spent at home nursing a sick Casey, so it was definitely a quiet one.

Clearly he was feeling better that afternoon, since he joined me for a short dog walk up the street…and decided that he wanted to run sprints. Seriously, only Casey goes running on Day 2 of the flu!????

Casey thought that buttered noodles with Parmesan sounded good, so that’s what the boys had for dinner! Not fancy, but definitely a kid favorite around here. I just enjoyed some leftover soup from the night before with a few cheese and crackers on the side.

My parents stopped by that evening to drop off some treats for the kids (Legos are great sick day entertainment!), as well as this Pineapple and Cranberry Upside Down Cake for me. You can guess what I had for dessert…SO GOOD!

I felt like my week was an endless cycle of doctor’s appointments, trips to the pharmacy, cajoling kids to take gross-tasting medicine, cleaning up vomit, sanitizing and changing linens and clothes, and then repeat. Unfortunately, Thursday was no exception!

Spence woke up with a high fever that morning, and later tested positive for the flu as well.

I’m not going to lie: by the time I was on my 6th load of laundry that day and every inch of my house smelled like throw up, I was kind of falling apart. I have many strengths, but I don’t think nursing is one of them!????

I made a simple sheet pan dinner that night, which Gibbs and I enjoyed — the other two kids had zero appetite. This was Garlic Parmesan Chicken and Broccoli, plus crescent rolls on the side.

We woke up to another dusting of snow on Friday morning! Is this Virginia or New England?!

Fortunately, Keith made it home late Thursday night, because both Gibbs and I came down with the flu on Friday. Back to the doctor…

and back to the pharmacy for Tamiflu for the third (or fourth?) time this week!????

I picked up an online grocery order (so that none of us had to actually step foot in the store), and then immediately came home to start a pot of homemade chicken stock. The cure to every illness!

I used the stock to make our dinner that night: Chicken Noodle Soup and a side of saltines. Just like my mama taught me!

Between Gibbs’s coughing, vomiting, and medicine-dosing, sleep was hard to come by on Friday night — so our Saturday was VERY slow around here.

Fortunately, Casey and Spencer were feeling much better since their fevers broke on Thursday. I suppose that the flu shot + the Tamiflu helped to shorten the severity and the duration of our illnesses, so I’ll choose to focus on that positive!

While Gibbs and I rested at home, Keith took Spencer and Casey out to run errands. They grabbed lunch at Vinny’s, where the boys ate all of the pizza and chicken fingers that their little bodies could devour. Clearly they were back to normal!

I assembled and baked my Tuna Melt Sliders for dinner that night, which I served with chips and salad. Then I parked it on the couch and sat by the fire for the rest of the evening!

Tuna Melt on a plate

This morning I’m feeling basically like my healthy self again (thank goodness), and I’m hopeful that Gibbs is on the mend, too. Looking forward to a regular, uneventful week ahead!????

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. I may earn a small commission for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial, and/or link to any products or services from this website.


Hey, I’m Blair!

Welcome to my farmhouse kitchen in the foothills of Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains. Inspired by local traditions and seasonal fare, you’ll find plenty of easy, comforting recipes that bring your family together around the table. It’s down-home, country-style cooking!

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Square overhead shot of hands serving a chicken pot pie recipe with biscuits
Overhead image of a bowl of chili mac on a dinner table with cornbread
Hands serving a platter of sheet pan sausage and potatoes

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  1. J.j. says:

    Your home sounds like ours did when our three kids were little.
    Three in 5 years.
    All in their 50’s now.
    JANET ????

    1. Blair says:

      Hi, Janet! Yep — sounds similar! I had my 3 boys in less than 4 years (and no twins!). 🙂 It’s crazy, but also a blessing!

  2. Teresa says:

    Wow that was some week. I can’t believe how how functioning you were when you, yourself, got the flu. I am curious if all of your family received the flu shot. I always get one every year, but a couple of years ago, on Cinco de Mayo of all days, I had a low grade fever and really bad cough. Turns out I tested positive for the flu in May, but I really didn’t feel bad at all. I only went to the MD for some cough medicine. He said it was because I had my shot that I got such a mild case of it. Glad you are all well. Love those tuna melts–on my menu for this week. What a fabulous idea. I made your turkey/bacon sliders ones recently and we loved them. That glaze is amazing!

    1. Blair says:

      Hi, Teresa! Yes, we did get the flu shot. I think that the combination of the flu shot and the Tamiflu is one main reason that our symptoms and duration weren’t nearly as severe as some cases of the flu. 🙂

  3. Heather says:

    I hope next week is MUCH healthier than this week has been! I remember the days of having sick kids at home. Not fun. The recipes look great- cannot wait to try the roast beef and cheese crescent rolls! Never thought about filling them!

    1. Blair says:

      Thank you, Heather!! Stuffed crescent rolls are some of our favorite quick lunch or dinner options! 🙂

  4. Grammyprepper says:

    Hope everone is on the mend, and this week is less stressful for y’all!

    1. Blair says:

      Thank you so much! Slowly but surely!

  5. Peanutmama says:

    I have always so admired how active you & your boys are, but a sprint on day2 of the flu?!? #boys I’m not so sure that’s admirable or just plain crazy! ????lGlad to hear you survived all the funk – and I hope it has stayed away since we last heard from you on Saturday. You are the best, Blair…..thanks for all you do! XO

    1. Blair says:

      Thank you! 🙂 I think he’s totally crazy! That boy in particular cannot sit still, so it’s not surprising that he was running on Day 2. My oldest is STILL sick (he’s on Day 5 of the flu), and he has hardly moved out of bed. They’re each different, but we’re slowly getting these germs out of our house! Have a great week!

  6. Jannie Bryant says:

    Bless your heart. That is one of the toughest times in a Mom’s life – when the whole family gets sick. The worst is when you don’t feel good, but you know your family needs you and somehow you find a way to get through it. Thank goodness you are all on the mend.

    1. Blair says:

      Thank you, Jannie! That’s exactly right! It’s so hard, because moms really never get a day “off.” 🙁

  7. Shannah says:

    Those mountains in the distance look so familiar!! I live in Orange and that looks like the view that never fails to cheer me up and make me pause for a second and be grateful no matter how grumpy I am ❤️

    1. Blair Lonergan says:

      Absolutely, Shannah! We’re practically neighbors! 🙂