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Good morning and happy Sunday! This has been quite an interesting week, as we’ve stayed tucked safely inside our house in an attempt to keep ourselves and the rest of the community healthy. While I don’t have too many interesting updates to report, I’m so grateful that we were still able to enjoy good food and feed our family nourishing meals. All of the highlights from the past few days, along with our easy dinners, are included in today’s roundup of Our Week in Meals. I hope that it offers a brief, welcome diversion from some of the more unsettling current events. Praying for your safety, comfort and health in the days ahead!❤️

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. I may earn a small commission for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial, and/or link to any products or services from this website. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

For those of you who are new to the blog, Our Week in Meals is where I share a little bit about what we’ve been up to over the past week — as it relates to our dinners each night. This series gives you a glimpse “behind the scenes” at some highlights from our life, shows you how I balance a busy schedule with feeding my family, and offers a few new ideas for your own weekly meal plan. Now let’s back up to last weekend…

Sunday was cool and gray, but that didn’t stop us from getting outside. Keith is glad to have all of this manual labor available at the moment, so he kept the boys busy with plenty of work around the property!

We also took the dog for a couple of walks, since staying cooped up inside is not an option for my energetic crew — even if the weather isn’t ideal.

The neighbors’ sweet horses always come over to say “hi” to Teddy!

We had steaks in the freezer from our last ButcherBox order, so I decided that our favorite Guinness Marinade was in order. It was St. Patty’s Day week, after all! Keith grilled the steaks, which we served alongside Grilled Potatoes and my Creamy Italian Pasta Salad. I also set out some carrots and cucumbers with dip on the side for extra veggies. Meat and potatoes = Keith’s comfort food…so he was a happy man!

Front view of sliced steak with flank steak marinade
Close up front shot of grilled potatoes on a plate with butter and chives

Since Virginia’s schools are closed for the time being, “Mom’s Home School” was in session on Monday morning!😂 In reality, this just involves about an hour of plugging away at the work that the boys’ teachers sent home. Of course, my home school also involves snack time — and lots of recess!

We joined Spencer’s kindergarten teacher for “story time” on her Facebook page, as well. Each morning she reads to the children and then gives them a short assignment. The book of the day was one of Spencer’s favorites: The Good Egg. It just never ceases to amaze me how thoughtful and kind these women are. Teachers are truly some of the best humans.❤️

That afternoon we baked another batch of the most perfect soft and chewy Chocolate Chip Pudding Cookies for snack. These have been on repeat in our house (keeping that cookie jar full!), so I will be sharing the easy recipe in the next couple of days. It’s a great way to entertain the kids with a simple baking project when you’re stuck at home!

For dinner that night, I made us a big pot of Lemon Chicken Soup with Orzo. I was craving something cozy and comforting, and these ingredients were among the few available in our grocery store (or in my fridge) when I did our shopping the weekend before. This soup just has a subtle lemon touch that makes it taste bright and fresh — but it’s definitely not overpowering. Paired with a French baguette for the perfect immunity-boosting meal!

Front shot of lemon chicken soup with orzo in a white bowl on a wooden table

Tuesday was St. Patrick’s Day, so we started the morning with minty green Shamrock Shakes!

Child's hands holding a glass of Shamrock Shake

I tested some recipes in the kitchen while the boys played for the morning, we got our school work done, and then we headed outside for “P.E. Class” on the basketball court — kids’ request!

When the sun came out that afternoon, we headed down to the pond, where we had a “sink or float” science lesson. Casey crafted a raft out of sticks (which floated), while the other boys took turns throwing items into the water (rocks, bones, sticks, pinecones) to find out which would stay on top.

Hay bale jumping…

…and resting!

For our Irish-inspired dinner that night, I made a pot of Sausage and Cabbage, which I served with Irish Soda Bread and Watergate Salad (because it’s green!). A few of my personal favorites (the boys of the house weren’t big on the cabbage, though)…

Close overhead shot of sausage and cabbage in a dutch oven
Close front shot of two slices of Irish Soda Bread on a plate

After a morning walk, soccer in the yard, and school work on Wednesday, we took a break to make flatbread pizzas for lunch. These are a big hit in our house (since everyone can customize their own pizza toppings) and the pizzas only take a few minutes to put together. Bake in a 425 degree F oven for about 10 minutes! This is an easy weeknight dinner, too…

While the boys took a few minutes for “silent reading” that afternoon, I was able to finish my latest book, too! A Rule Against Murder is the fourth mystery in Louise Penny’s Chief Inspector Gamache series, and it was one of my favorites so far. I just love a story that keeps me guessing up until the very end, and this was one novel that I couldn’t “figure out.” So entertaining!

Dinner that night was a quick Beef and Asparagus Stir Fry, which we served with rice and egg rolls on the side. Delicious!

Overhead shot of half skillet of Asparagus and Beef Stir Fry

After a very foggy start, we were fortunate that Thursday turned out to be a warm, sunny day.

We took care of school work in the morning, and then enjoyed the weather by playing dodgeball (with this new set of balls that I bought at the boys’ request). Desperate measures over here…

The kids and I also went for a short hike…

…followed by ice cream cones for snack from the walk-up window at the Tastee Freez.

For dinner I made Root Beer Barbecue Chicken in the slow cooker (there’s also an Instant Pot version in that recipe), which I served with coleslaw, a green salad and tater tots.

When I was at the grocery store last week, the only carrots available were in 5-lb. bags. Takes me back to my days of buying bulk carrots to feed to my horse! Anyway, since I don’t have a horse at the moment, I used some of the extra carrots in a Carrot Raisin Pineapple Salad to have with dinner that night as well. Love this classic dish!

Close up front shot of carrot and raisin and pineapple salad in a bowl

After they got their school work done on Friday morning, the boys each made their own batch of slime. I bought the supplies on Amazon, which included different colors of glitter glue, as well as a bottle of the slime “activator.” I won’t link to the particular brand, because it turned out to be way stickier and messier than other slimes that we’ve played with in the past (I’m NOT recommending it!). While it was really fun at first, I spent a lot of time cleaning up the kids, their clothes, and the dishes…so we’ll not be using that again!😀

I took the dog for a walk up the road later in the afternoon while Keith and the boys played a round of dodgeball. The 80-degree weather felt like heaven!

Dinner that night was Taco Pizza! I let everyone garnish their own slices, so the kids were happy with just the beans, meat and cheese, while Keith and I added plenty of extra toppings. We served the pizza with chips, salsa, guacamole and corn.

Front shot of a slice of Taco Pizza on a white plate with toppings

Keith went out to pick up some food for us on Saturday morning and came home with a box of the best warm, homemade donuts from the donut truck that parks at Yoder’s. Blueberry, cinnamon sugar and chocolate frosted!

And since the grocery store ran out of butter, he brought home a couple of tubs of homemade butter from Yoder’s as well! Thank goodness for that little store (necessities)!😀

We went on a short hike that afternoon on the Graves Mill Trail in Shenandoah National Park here in Madison, before returning home for a round of Monopoly and dinner prep.

Keith wanted to smoke a turkey breast on the grill that evening, so we served the turkey with Crispy Seasoned Oven Roasted Potatoes, steamed broccoli, and the leftover carrot salad from earlier in the week. Mine was on top of a bed of spinach (with honey mustard dressing) because I was also trying to finish off the greens before they went bad. I found the turkey in the freezer section at our grocery store the weekend before when I was faced with an otherwise very empty meat case. We made it work, and it was delicious!

That’s where I’ll leave it for this week, friends. In such a scary, uncertain time, I know that many of us are feeling isolated, fearful and anxious. My thoughts and prayers are with you, as we all navigate this overwhelming period together. I’m trying my best to take it one day at a time, to do what I can do to stay safe and to help others. I’m choosing to focus on the positive — such as dinners with my family and extra time with my boys — even when that feels exhausting and stressful. Thank you for joining me here each Sunday. I hope that you find peace and comfort in the week ahead.❤️


Hey, I’m Blair!

Welcome to my farmhouse kitchen in the foothills of Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains. Inspired by local traditions and seasonal fare, you’ll find plenty of easy, comforting recipes that bring your family together around the table. It’s down-home, country-style cooking!

Read More

Square overhead shot of hands serving a chicken pot pie recipe with biscuits
Overhead image of a bowl of chili mac on a dinner table with cornbread
Hands serving a platter of sheet pan sausage and potatoes

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  1. Elaine says:

    Its Mothers Day here in Ireland so Happy Mother’s Day to all
    Hope you and your family all stay safe and well.. Thank you for these emails, this morning’s was a source normalcy and joy in a difficult time.

    1. Blair says:

      Happy Mother’s Day, Elaine! Thinking of you and wishing you health and safety through this challenging time. xoxo

  2. B says:

    Hello! Happy Mother’s Day, Elaine! I just wanted to say thanks to you, Blair, and everyone else for doing their best to stay distanced from others as we work to limit the spread of coronavirus. It is so easy to think that “we” won’t catch the virus because we’re young or healthy or don’t have underlying conditions–and hopefully that’s right. And I know how hard it is to be at home with kids; I have three high school and college-age kids here now. But it’s up to all of us to protect everyone and try to limit the crisis for our hospitals and healthcare workers. My daughter is an RN, and we know she’s already been exposed to the virus at least once (so far, no problems), and her hospital is limiting staff to one mask per 12-hour shift, and they’re supposed to save it for their next shift if possible. So the crisis is real. Thank you all for your help! Here’s hoping your days are relaxed and ultimately without crisis and that your meals are tasty and nourishing!

    1. Blair says:

      Your daughter is doing such important work, B! Please extend our gratitude to her. I just wish that there was more we could all do to help the doctors and nurses fighting this…somehow just staying at home doesn’t feel like enough! Take care, and thanks for your thoughtful note!

  3. S Washington says:

    Thank you so much for your continued posts. I always enjoy reading your blog entries but even more so now. Please keep them coming!

    1. Blair says:

      That makes me so happy to hear. Thank you for following along! xoxo

  4. Andrea says:

    Thanks Blair,
    Good luck in the weeks ahead. I know you are doing a great job teaching the boys at home. You are wonderful.

    1. Blair says:

      Thank you! Same to you, friend. Thinking of you and hoping you and your family stay safe (and sane)! 🙂

  5. MM says:

    Your boys are very similar in age to mine. I love reading your posts because you are in the same phase of life and live a similar lifestyle – ie super active children! Thank you for the respite from this uncertain world! I love all of your pics, down to earth approach to feeding a highly active family and your calm words:)

    1. Blair says:

      Thank you so much!! It makes me feel happy to know that my words/photos are helping to connect with other busy moms. We’re all in this together, and it’s certainly not easy for any of us. Hang in there, mama!

  6. Wendy Jameson says:

    Thanks, Blair – having once lived in the Shenandoah Valley (Lexington) and now living in Canada (Orillia, Ontario and home) I love seeing the photos you send of the beautiful Virginia countryside…and seeing your family enjoying it….this is indeed scary times and we all must do what we have to to get through this…my hubby and I are both seniors (81 and 75) and yes we are in that vulnerable population but want to thank all who are considerate of that fact…love your recipes…please take care of yourself and your precious family…we all need to be praying and thinking of each other at this time…look for you next Sunday…

    1. Blair says:

      Thanks, Wendy! Take care of yourself and your husband and stay tucked safely inside. xoxo I’m so glad to know that my photos of our state (that I love so much) bring you joy as well. Thinking of you during this time!

  7. Christine says:

    Thank you so much for your emails every week, Blair. Normalcy and consistency can be SUCH a comfort in very uncertain times. I live in Ruckersville and work at UVA, and started self-isolating about 2 weeks ago, since I have allergic asthma. The spring beauty brings all the things I’m most allergic to, so I was already feeling it. Then, it was announced classes were moving online, and early this week my entire department was told to work from home. We are all adjusting to a new normal every day. Church is cancelled and we’re looking at online options, I am trying to figure out virtual communication with my mom (who is at a senior community and they are not allowing visitors) in Charlottesville, when we don’t have iPhones, so no FaceTime capability. Thank you for sharing what your sons’ teachers are doing, because my friends with kids in other school districts locally to Cville are NOT having the same experience, and are greatly struggling. Thanks also for the grocery updates, because that is good information to know who has what and where. Stay safe and well, all of you!

    1. Blair says:

      Hi, Christine! I totally agree — I’m clinging to anything that feels “normal” and comforting these days…whether it’s new routines, old recipes, or familiar books/TV. I’m so glad that you’re able to work from home and try to stay safe. I miss seeing my parents regularly, too…they’re keeping themselves safe at home in Nelson County and we don’t want to risk sharing any germs. I just keep reminding myself that this is NOT forever. Take care of you!!! xoxo

  8. Kelly Fado says:

    Thank you Blair, I always find something delicious to try in your posts – this week it’s carrot salad! Thank your for your photos and your recipes, and your book reviews! I just started Untamed and am really enjoying it, am going to order A Rule Against Murder. Hope you and your family have a safe and happy week!

    1. Blair says:

      Hi, Kelly! That’s awesome — the carrot salad is definitely one of my favorites. I just had some more of the leftovers with lunch! 🙂 I’ve heard Glennon Doyle interviewed a couple of times recently and her new book sounds good. Maybe I’ll pick it up soon, too. We definitely have time for reading these days! Take care!

  9. Cathy says:

    Thanks Blair and all
    Your Sunday morning email is something I look forward to every week and now even more so!
    Happy Mother’s Day for moms everywhere, but especially Ireland – hopefully by US Mother’s Day this will be behind us and we can all say we weathered the COVID19 storm and that we learned something from this experience!
    Take care!

    1. Blair says:

      Hi, Cathy! Thank you so much for reading along with us each week. I’m with you — hoping this passes soon and we can return to life as “normal” again. Hang in there!

  10. Cecilia says:

    hI bLir!
    Thank you for your email and post. If you still have any carrots from the bulk buying you can make carrot soup with it as well as put it in your smoothies. That’s what I always do when I find bulk buying carrots on sale.


    1. Blair says:

      Oh, great idea! I never thought of using them in smoothies!

  11. Teri Nardi says:

    Thank you Blair for sharing your beautiful part of the country with us in southern California. It always looks so pure and peaceful an amazing place to raise a family and not smog! Love your recipes you are an amazing mom and person!

    1. Blair says:

      Thank you, Teri! I appreciate your kind words. Thank you for taking the time to leave a note. It makes me really happy to know that the photos and recipes bring you joy. Take care of yourself and stay healthy! xoxo