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Hello, hello, friends! Happy Sunday! I’m popping back in this morning with a little bit of an update from the past week. It was a busy one, as usual, but good! Shall we backtrack to Monday?

I considered this Monday a success, since it didn’t start with a flat tire (did you see last week’s recap?).

After dropping Gibbs and Casey off at school on Monday morning, I hit the pavement with Spence (in his stroller!) for a quick run around town. The weather was gray and rainy, but we managed to squeeze in a short outing between rain showers. Love the cooler fall temps!


I recently received these ACEL Comfort graduated compression socks to try out, so I decided to wear them for my morning exercise. I liked them! I’m so used to the super-tight (and super-uncomfortable) prescription-strength compression tights that I had to wear throughout my pregnancies for varicose veins, so these seemed like a dream. They were supportive without being too tight and without pinching my toes! I’m sure that I would really appreciate these for performance and recovery if I was more of a distance runner. These days, I’m keeping it short and sweet!


I liked the socks enough to leave them on all day…


My feet were propped up for just a few minutes while I sat with Spence on the front porch. Since it was raining, this is about the closest we could get to playing “outside.”


And speaking of playing on the porch, here’s a video that I took of Spence on another afternoon this week. He has been “talking” to us in his own babbling language for months now, and only occasionally uses real words. It’s cute and funny (to us), especially because he expects us to interact with him and carry on lengthy conversations. At this point, even his brothers converse with Spence in his own language…so he has very little motivation to actually learn to talk!

Since I’ve been meaning to record him “talking” for ages, I finally remembered to do so after he had been rambling for about 10 minutes on this particular occasion. I know how quickly we forget these stages as our kids grow, so I wanted to have some piece of evidence to remind me of him at this age. 🙂

If you’re bored and you have 30 seconds of spare time, click “play” and enjoy…

We had lunch at Costco with my mom on Tuesday. Casey could not be bothered with posing for a photo when there was a giant frozen yogurt in front of him. Can’t blame the kid!


I loved a beautiful sunny and cool morning walk with my friend Lorae on Wednesday after we dropped our kids off at school.


When I picked Casey up from preschool at lunchtime, we made a very quick stop at Target to buy a birthday present for his friend. I snapped this photo of the GIANT inflatable pumpkin on top of the Halloween costume store (right next to Target) so that we could show it to Gibbs. The boys are already SO excited for Halloween!


While we were shopping at Target, I sent this photo to Margeaux to let her know that my favorite tunics are back in stock (she had asked me about them last weekend). I included the tunics on THIS “Stuff We Love” post last year and I now have so many friends who love them too. I was excited to see them hanging on the racks again this fall!


And since Keith was out of town on Wednesday night, I sent him this photo of the mail delivery that he missed: a box of beer from the Beer of the Month Club (best anniversary present ever, by the way)!


Spence discovered stamps…


And on Thursday morning I finally got to meet newborn baby Jack!


My friend Kerrin had her third child recently, so I brought her family Chicken and Stuffing Casserole, salad, and a coffee cake for breakfast.


While I was waiting in the pick-up line at Gibbs’s school on Thursday afternoon I received this email message from Starbucks. How did they know that I NEED this in my life right now?! I’m plotting a trip into the big city of Charlottesville sometime soon so that I can get my hands on one. I fall for all of the marketing tactics, clearly.


And by Thursday evening I was exhausted, I had a headache, and Keith wasn’t getting home until late. SOOOO, the kids and I had cereal for dinner (see…My Busy Mom Confessions are TRUE!). They were thrilled with this new box that I bought, and after one meal it’s almost all gone!


On Friday morning I had to go to a post-op doctor’s appointment for my leg, so Spence tagged along with me. He entertained the nurses, doctor, and other patients in the waiting room the entire time.


He also managed to dump an entire bag of Goldfish on the floor when he pulled the lid off of his snack cup. Orange crumbs EVERYWHERE…but I did not snap a photo of that mess.



Since we’re dog sitting for my parents this weekend,


my mom brought some seasonal goodies to us as well, which included these little gems. Hooray for pumpkin!


While my mother-in-law was visiting on Friday afternoon, Molly brought a dead mole into the house and put it in her dog bed. Snuggle toy?!


EWWWW! Carole and I were completely grossed out, so fortunately this guy was brave enough to come to our rescue with Dad’s shovel in hand.


Easy Friday night sushi dinner (which is a treat around here, because there’s no readily-available sushi anywhere near Madison County!).


Yesterday turned out to be a cool and rainy day, which meant that the boys’ soccer games were cancelled in the morning. Instead, Keith took Casey and Spence to run some errands while Gibbs and I stayed home to clean house…


and get ready for a party! We welcomed the season with some of our close friends, their kids, and festive food and drink.

Hallowine Sangria 7

Kristie and Blair

Many, many more details coming SOON on the blog!! It was such a fun time!

This morning is another cool and gray day, so I’m lighting the fall candle that Mollie brought me last night as a hostess gift (how cool, right?! LOVE!!)…


and getting ready to write a grocery list so that I can go shopping for the week. Have a great day, and be sure to check back tomorrow for a delicious Crock Pot dinner recipe!


Hey, I’m Blair!

Welcome to my farmhouse kitchen in the foothills of Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains. Inspired by local traditions and seasonal fare, you’ll find plenty of easy, comforting recipes that bring your family together around the table. It’s down-home, country-style cooking!

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Square overhead shot of hands serving a chicken pot pie recipe with biscuits
Overhead image of a bowl of chili mac on a dinner table with cornbread
Hands serving a platter of sheet pan sausage and potatoes

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  1. Sophie says:

    Hey Blair, just wanted to say I LOVE getting your emails! And all your recipes, specifically the dump and bake ones(; your boys are so cute! Little Spencer’s video made me laugh! I have two year old twin girls, I’m 23 and live in TX! Stumbled upon your site searching for recipes one day, subscribed and have been loving it ever since! -Sophie

    1. Blair says:

      Sophie!! You just made my week!! Thank you so much for your kind note and for taking the time to leave a comment. I SO appreciate you! xoxo 🙂

      1. Sophie says:

        Yay, your so welcome! xox (:

  2. Jeanette says:

    My goodness a week has gone by again? Love the video of Spencer & hearing your voice also. Your Mother’s gift were nice. Never seen pasta like that. Have the boys decided who they will be for Halloween ? Does Spence understand what Halloween is about?

    1. Blair says:

      Time flies, right?! The boys change their minds about their Halloween costumes on a daily basis. Star Wars is BIG in our house right now, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they go that route. We will see! And Spence has NO idea what Halloween is about, but he’ll figure it out quickly when he sees that candy. Spence loves chocolate! 🙂

      1. Jeanette says:

        You bring wonderful memories back to me with your family. The 1st outfit I made was a Pumpkin one. Great body with a hat. Dd was 2.5 years. The night of the hallo was a power out-age. I was so disappointed that no one could see how cute she was. After her 1st time she asked to go the next night as it was so much fun. I do believe Dd likes this yearly event better then Christmas. I made her stop when she turned 12yrs. & to give out the candy.

        1. Blair says:

          I bet that pumpkin costume was adorable! My husband definitely loves Halloween more than Christmas, too! 🙂