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Hi, friends! Happy Sunday and welcome back for another Weekend Recap. Here are the photos that I captured on my phone this week…enjoy!

Backing up to last Sunday…I made Justine’s recipe for Skinny Egg Salad to have on hand for lunches during the week…delicious!! I love the addition of the garlic, which I hadn’t thought to use before.


After naps we went for a walk in the woods at a new-to-us park,



and then grabbed a delicious dinner at one of our favorite local spots: BBQ Exchange!


Monday morning after Spring Break was not an easy one. I felt all out of whack and was running around trying desperately to get everyone out the door on time…sure that I had forgotten something (or someone)!

But after we managed to drop off both of the older boys at their schools, Spence and I came back home for a quiet couple of hours. He played happily with his trains and cars,


while I took care of laundry, made lunches, and got dinner started in the slow cooker. We had the Sesame Pork from the Dashing Dish cookbook (one of my all-time favorite books for easy, healthy, family-friendly recipes), along with rice and broccoli.


After we picked Casey up at noon, we made a stop at our favorite local nursery to check out their spring plants,




and then headed into Charlottesville for errands and a walk with Aunt Barbara!


I snapped a photo of this lip gloss because it’s a new color for me and I wanted to share! In my post about My Favorite Drug Store Cosmetics, I mentioned that this Loreal Infallible Lip Gloss (in the Truffle color) is one of my go-to options. When I went to grab a refill at Target last weekend they didn’t have the Truffle color in stock, so I decided to try this Dulce de Leche instead.


It’s not as pink as the Truffle, but it’s got some nice nude shimmer, which I think is great for a casual look in the summer. Definitely check it out if that’s your thing. ?


Tuesday’s early morning workout with Mark included burpees, dead lifts, and these TRX mountain climbers (among other fun torture!)…


And then we had a couple of men working on the plumbing in our kitchen all day, so I kept these guys busy with multiple rounds of Hullabaloo! Have you heard of this game? It’s AWESOME. In fact, I think that it’s the ONLY game that all 3 of my kids can enjoy together. It’s simple enough for Spence (helps with learning shapes and colors), but it also involves enough movement and exercise that it entertains the older guys. It’s a great gift (thanks, Aunt Meghan and Uncle Jeff)! It’s been our rainy day entertainment for a few years now.


While our kitchen was still under construction, I treated these two to lunch at Subway!


and dragged the whole crew out to the soccer fields for Casey’s practice that evening.



On Wednesday I substituted in the preschool classroom for the first part of the morning while Casey’s teacher was out. I helped with potato stamping and art, which was fun…except when I was also trying to chase Spencer around the room. He had no interest in the potatoes or the paint!


On Thursday Gibbs was home sick from school for the second day in a row. It seems that he caught the nasty germs that are running rampant through the school, so he was one very SICK kiddo. Since we were stuck at home indoors on a rainy day, I kept the two healthy boys busy with yoga,


arts and crafts,


(Casey loved painting this Sun Catcher that my mother-in-law gave him in his Easter basket)



and baking chocolate Coca Cola cakes (because Aunt Bee sent me a recipe that I couldn’t wait to try…and share with you SOON)!


That evening I took Casey over to the Primary School to register for kindergarten! Another exciting milestone…and I think I’ll spend all summer trying to convince him that this is a good thing.


On Friday morning I did an early workout with Mark at the gym, which included these new-to-me TRX Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats! Phew…hello, FRIDAY!!?


Then it was off to drop Casey at school and sneak in a stroller walk with Mollie and Amanda!


That afternoon I made a double batch of Mom’s Marinated Vegetable Salad,

Marinated Vegetable Salad 6

and brought it with us to Casey’s preschool fundraiser that evening.


We made it home just in time to see the sunset over our neighbor’s farm. Spencer asked why I was taking a picture and I just reminded him that our view NEVER gets old! ?


And then UGH…Saturday was such a nasty day! It was gray and cold, and when the wind blew the temps felt like they were in the 20’s!!! Not typical for this time of year in Virginia, so we were all pretty miserable on the sidelines at the 9:00 a.m. soccer games…


Since we were hibernating indoors the rest of the afternoon, I spent a couple of hours going through my closets and packing away my winter clothes. Not fun, but it felt productive.

And then…after all of that hard work…we were rewarded with a double date night with Mollie and John Paul (details coming soon in a separate post)!

Blair and Mollie

Today looks pretty quiet, so we’ll probably go for a walk at some point, but otherwise will stay close to home and get some chores done and prep for the week ahead. Have a great one!


Hey, I’m Blair!

Welcome to my farmhouse kitchen in the foothills of Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains. Inspired by local traditions and seasonal fare, you’ll find plenty of easy, comforting recipes that bring your family together around the table. It’s down-home, country-style cooking!

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Square overhead shot of hands serving a chicken pot pie recipe with biscuits
Overhead image of a bowl of chili mac on a dinner table with cornbread
Hands serving a platter of sheet pan sausage and potatoes

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  1. Alison says:

    Dulce de Leche has been my favorite lip gloss for years! It’s the perfect nude shade.

    1. Blair says:

      That’s so funny, Alison! It’s definitely a keeper! 🙂

  2. Ruwani says:

    Looks like the boys had fun. I love the sunset view over the farm 🙂

    1. Blair says:

      Thanks, Ruwani!! I love that view! 🙂